南洋理工大学在JOE (Job Openings for Economists)与Academic Keys 刊登了我诚征经济学博士后研究员的广告。在此给出网址于内容,给有兴趣与资历研究方向适合者申请,非诚勿扰。虽然说到两封推荐信,但不必于第一次申请时提供,只要履历表与研究方向。研究方向: 1.公共政策的福祉经济学基础,包括环保经济学; 2.综观经济学;3.报酬递增、分工与专业化研究。
Nanyang Technological University
Division of Economics
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Research Fellow (Economics)
JOE ID Number: 2015-01_111452911
Date Posted: 04/01/2015
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Research Fellow (Economics)
Section: US: Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Singapore, Singapore, SINGAPORE
JEL Classifications:
D -- Microeconomics
D6 -- Welfare Economics
Full Text of JOE Listing:
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Research Fellow (Economics)
We are seeking for a motivated individual for the position of Research Fellow in Economics. The Research Fellow will work with Professor Yew-Kwang Ng, Albert Winsemius Professor, on some research projects related to the welfare-economic foundation of public policy (including environmental economics), micro-foundation of macroeconomics using a representative-firm approach, and/or the economics of division of labour, specialization, and increasing returns.
Applicants should have a recent PhD or will soon have a PhD in economics and interested in analytical and policy research.
The position offers a competitive salary and is renewable on a yearly basis.
Interested applicants should send a current CV, statement of interest, and two letters of reference to Prof Ng Yew Kwang at YKNg@ntu.edu.sg .